With 410 million injections worldwide, SUPARTZ FX is one of the most trusted hyaluronic acid treatments on the market.37 It has an unmatched history of performance—proven safe, effective, and affordable, with no pseudoseptic adverse events, based on post-market integrated analysis in more than 30 years of use.‡41

‡Does not include current prescribing experience.

SUPARTZ FX has demonstrated effectiveness for up to 6 months22

SUPARTZ FX significantly relieved osteoarthritis pain, a long-lasting benefit that lasted at least 18 weeks in a multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 240 patients with knee osteoarthritis.39


  • Delivers long-lasting benefits22

Significant improvement in knee pain chart


  • Provides significant pain relief versus placebo (phosphate-buffered saline) in
    knee osteoarthritis38

*The clinical relevance of this information has not been determined.

  • Demonstrated significant improvements in multiple clinical parameters39

Improvement Chart

Median time to total knee replacement (TKR) is directly correlated with the number of courses of hyaluronic acid therapy12

In a retrospective analysis of a healthcare claims database of about 79 million patients who had undergone TKR, prior treatment with hyaluronic acid including SUPARTZ FX delayed the time to total knee replacement by up to 3.6 years.‡12

TKR Chart

‡TKR delay with ≥5 HA treatment courses