GELSYN-3 is available by prescription from your doctor. The GELSYN-3 Discussion Guide will help you and your doctor determine whether GELSYN-3 is right for you. Just print this helpful assessment tool, complete it, and take it with you to your next doctor’s appointment.

1. Talk to your doctor or find a provider below
2. Ask if HA therapy can help you
3. Get the pain relief you deserve

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GELSYN-3 Packaging

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Disclaimer: The Bioventus Physician Locator is not a recommendation or endorsement of a doctor nor is it a tool for verifying credentials, qualifications or the ability of any doctor it contains. Omission of a doctor from the Physician Locator does not mean disapproval. You assume full responsibility for choosing to consult with any doctor you find in the Physician Locator. Bioventus is not responsible or liable to you for any action that you or anyone else takes or does not take due to reliance on information in the Physician Locator.